DATE: 11/9/2023       TIME: 5:00 PM
LOCATION: City Council Chambers
1. Meeting Call to Order Info
2. Motion for Meeting Attendance Via Electronic Device (Heather Howell) Action
3. Gifted & Advanced Instruction Update Info
4. Secondary Course Proposals Info
1. Recess of Meeting Info
1. Meeting Call to Order Info
2. Pledge of Allegiance Info
3. Moment of Silence Info
4. The Mission of Suffolk Public Schools is to: * produce 21st century learners that will become productive citizens in society. * foster a dyamic, safe and nurturing learning environment. * partner with school community for the benefit of students and staff. * strengthen the school division by employing a highly qualified and diverse staff. * effectively and efficiently manage capital and human resources. * effectively communicate to increase community investment. Info
5. Musical Selection - LHS Chorus - Directed by Tiffany Carr Info
1. Approval of Agenda Action
1. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items 1. Daniel Holloman - Proposed Transgender Policy 2. Patricia Holloman - Proposed Transgender Policy 3. Nathaniel Holloman - Transgender Policy 4. Lauren Havener - Model Policy 5. Gloria Havener - Model Policy 6. Chris Durette - Ordinance 23/24-14 (Unfinished Business) 7. Russell Chappell - Why You Should Not Vote for the Transgender Policy 8. Teresa Anderson - Transgender Policy 9. Janet McKinney - Correction to the October Minutes; Dysfunction of the School Board 10. Danielle Raynor - Communication (Model Policy) 11. Matthew Hintlian - Transgender Policy 12. Keith Webb - Concerns with Revisions Proposed Transgender Policy 13. James Peele - Transgender School Policy 14. Angela Kilgore - Policies, Actions of the Board, Prayer 15. Christine Santsaver - Why You Should Not Vote for the Transgender Policy Info
1. Good News Report: a. Alumni Highlight: Where are they Now? b. Suffolk Public Schools Elementary Students Creatively Take A Stance Against Bullying c. King's Fork High School Recognizes Breast Cancer Awareness Month & Celebrates Breast Cancer Survivors d. November is Month of the Military Child: JYMS, CFCMS, & FBES Receive Purple Star Designation Award to Join NSES! e. Suffolk Public Schools Students Participate in the Amazon Future Engineers Robotics Camp f. John F. Kennedy Middle School Ceremonial Groundbreaking g. Athletic Wins h. 2023 Southeastern District Champions i. Junior District Orchestra Members from Suffolk Public Schools j. Virginia Music Educators (VMEA) Outstanding Administrator - Dr. Joleen Neighbours k. October Teacher Spotlight l. SPS College and Career Academy Receives a $15,000 Grant from TC Energy Info
2. Calendar of Special Events Info
1. Approval of Consent Agenda Action
2. Payment of Bills and Payroll October 31, 2023 Action
3. Field Trip: KFHS - Cross Country Track Team - Leesburg; Virginia; November 11, 2023 Action
4. Field Trip: JYMS TSA 8th Grade Student - Hartsfield, Virginia; November 17-19, 2023 Action
5. Field Trip: KFHS - Varsity Wrestling Team - Mineral, Virginia; December 1-2, 2023 Action
6. Field Trip: KFHS Varisty Boys Basketball Team - Winston-Salem, North Carolina; December 2-3, 2023. Action
7. Field Trip: KFHS - Varsity Girls Basketball Team - Washington D.C.; December 8-10, 2023 Action
8. Field Trip: KFHS - Varsity Wrestling Team - Kinghtdale, North Carolina; December 14-16, 2023 Action
9. Field Trip: KFHS - Girls Varsity Basketball Team - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; December 19-22, 2023. Action
10. Field Trip: KFHS Varsity Boys Basketball Team - Philadelphia, PA; December 23-24, 2023 Action
11. Field Trip: KFHS Girls Varsity Basketball Team - Durham, North Carolina; December 26-30, 2023. Action
12. Field Trip: KFHS - Varsity Wrestling Team - Lynchburg, VA; December 28-29, 2023 Action
13. Office of Student Services Report - November 2023 Action
14. Personnel Report - November 9, 2023 Action
15. School Board Montly Meeting Minutes of October 12, 2023 Action
1. Ordinance 23/24-14: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1, Article 6, Section 1-6.2:1 Entitled: "Definitions; Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Prohibited; Student Privacy and Confidentiality Required; Use of Name and Gender Pronouns; Legal Name and Sex at Birth Required on School Records; Dress and Grooming Codes; Segregating Students Prohibited; Access to Restrooms, Locker Rooms and Changing Facilities; Professional Development and Training; Superintendent to Develop Guidelines" (Transgender Policy) of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
2. Ordinance 23/24-15: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1, Article 5, Section 1-5.9 entitled “Filing a Formal Complaint of Discrimination; Investigation; Action by superintendent; Appeal” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
3. Ordinance 23/24-16: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1, Article 6, Section 1-6.12 entitled “Abusive work environments prohibited; retaliation against employees who make allegations also prohibited” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
4. Ordinance 23/24-17: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1, Article 8, Section 1-8.7 entitled “Comprehensive Plan Required” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
5. Ordinance 23/24-18: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 2, Section 2-2.1 entitled “Powers and duties generally” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
6. Ordinance 23/24-19: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 2, Section 2-2.7 entitled “School Board Standing Committees; Foundations; Special Committees” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
7. Ordinance 23/24-20: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 4, Section 2-4.2 entitled “Meeting Participation by Electronic Communication and definitions; when allowed; Must Be Recorded in Minutes; Quorum Required; Limit on number of meetings for personal reasons; when State of Emergency declared by Governor” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
8. Ordinance 23/24-22: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 8, Section 2-8.2 entitled “Late Appearances Defined; Notice Requirement” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
9. Ordinance 23/24-23: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 8, Section 2-8.3 entitled “Public Speakers Before the School Board” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
10. Ordinance 23/24-24: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 9, Section 2-9.2 entitled “Definitions” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
11. Ordinance 23/24-25: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 9, Section 2-9.3 entitled “Special Nepotism Rules regarding School Board Members and Superintendent; Limited Exception; Substitute Teacher Employment; Direct Supervisory and/or Administrative Relationship Prohibited” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - Second Reading Action
1. Appropriation Increase #1 2023-2024 Action
2. Citizen Advisory Committee Members Update Action
3. VDOE Authorization of Signature in Absence of Division Superintendent Action
4. 2024-2025 Proposed Courses Action
5. Resolution 23/24-16: A Resolution Supporting Military Children and Families Adopted by the School Board for the City of Suffolk, Virginia Action
6. Resolution 23/24-17: A Resolution of the School Board for the City of Suffolk, Virginia Honoring the Life of Parris D. Carson for His Faithful Commitment and Dedication in Enriching the Lives of Children in the City of Suffolk and Beyond Action
7. Resolution 23/24-18: A Resolution of the School Board for the City of Suffolk, Virginia making a Bid Award to Heartland Construction Inc., for the Renovation of the Lakeland High School Auditorium and Authorizing the Board Chair and School Superintendent to Enter into a Contract for the Lakeland High School Auditorium Renovation Action
8. Ordinance 23/24-21: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 8, Section 2-8.1 entitled “Early Appearances; Suffolk Community Defined; Five Minutes and not less than Three Minutes for Presentation; When More than Fifteen Speakers” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading and Adoption Info/Action
9. Ordinance 23/24-26: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10, Article 5, Section 10-5.1 entitled “Public Appearances before the School Board; time limits for public comments; public participation at special or call meetings” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading and Adoption Info/Action
10. Ordinance 23/24-27: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article 9, Section 2-9.5 entitled “Definitions; Certain Gifts prohibited; Acceptable gifts; Amount to be Adjusted Every Five Years; Gift returned to donor or donated to charitable organization” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
11. Ordinance 23/24-28: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 3, Article 1, Section 3-1.2 entitled “Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
12. Ordinance 23/24-29: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Article 2, Section 4-2.2 entitled “Annual budget preparation” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
13. Ordinance 23/24-30: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Article 6, Section 4-6.3 entitled “Certification; Exceptions; Unauthorized Aliens; Discrimination Prohibited” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
14. Ordinance 23/24-31: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 5, Article 2, Section 5-2.2:3 entitled “Threat Assessment Team Required; Team Members; Principal may provide information; Report to superintendent; Report to Department of Criminal Justice Services; Responsibility of school superintendent” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
15. Ordinance 23/24-32: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 5, Article 5, Section 5-5.2 entitled “Adequate nutrition program required; annual agreements; eligibility determinations; public announcement required; amendments to policy” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
16. Ordinance 23/24-33: An Ordinance Deleting Chapter 5, Article 5, Section 5-5.6 entitled “When no money on account; parent notification; negative balances in excess of $15.00; federal child nutrition funds” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
17. Ordinance 23/24-34: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 5, Article 6, Section 5-6.3 entitled “Computer system provided; privilege not a right; superintendent to develop regulations to include guidelines; use must be consistent with education mission; no expectation of privacy; certain software use prohibited” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
18. Ordinance 23/24-35: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Article 4, Section 7-4.1 entitled “Certification free of tuberculosis; removal for failure to provide certification; rescreening for tuberculosis; School Board may require screening of all employees, volunteers and student teachers” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
19. Ordinance 23/24-36: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Article 4, Section 7-4.2 entitled “Requirements to be employed as a bus driver; persons registered as sex offender not eligible; annual documents required; first aid training etc. required; drug and alcohol testing program” of the Policies of the Suffolk City School Board - First Reading Info
1. Citizen Comments on Non-Agenda Items 1. Dr. Adriane Bradley-Gray - Equity for All Students 2. Nancy Eason - Parents Getting Calls from Staff 3. Jennifer Herget - Experiments on American Citizens 4. Robert Herget - A Constitutional Quandary 5. Janet McKinney - Hate and Discontent Amongst the School Board and the Public; Distrust Amongst the Board Members 6. Matthew Hintlian - Civil Discourse in a Public Forum 7. Deanna Kline - We Love You and Your Children. Please Understand Lack of Knowledge, Discernment and Bioweapons 8. Mary Anderson - Transgender Policy 9. Chad Fowler - Policy Changes 10. David Hall - Governor's VDOE Model Policy 11. Jeanne Swain - Religious Freedom, Prayer in Public Spaces 12. Kirstyn Oneill - Wounded Warrior Veterans Day Project 13. Tyler Raynor - Abuse of Tax Payers Money 14. Amber Snodgrass - Parental Rights Concerns/Transgender Issues 15. Victoria Cobb - Decisions of the School Board 16. Dr. Deborah Wahlstrom - First Amendment 17. Debbie Chappell - Why You Should Not Vote for the Transgender Policy Info
1. Comments and Reports by School Board Members Info
1. Accident Report October 2023 Info
2. Capital Projects Financial Statement Info
3. Financial Report October 31, 2023 Info
1. Adjournment of Meeting Action